
5 Tips for Single Dads to Get Through the Day

Being a single dad comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate each day with confidence. Here are five practical tips to help you stay on top of things while creating a positive environment for your kids.  1. Start with a Solid Routine Mornings can be chaotic, but having a consistent routine makes a world of difference. Plan out breakfast, school prep, and work schedules the night before. A well-structured day reduces stress for both you and your kids.   2. Prioritize Quality Time Even with a busy schedule, set aside time to connect with your child. Whether it’s a bedtime story, a quick game, or a heart-to-heart at dinner, these moments create lasting memories and strengthen your bond.  3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help You don’t have to do it all alone. Whether it’s family, friends, or a local support group, lean on your community when you need a break. Parenting is tough, and there’s no shame in seeking support...

Dare to be Free

Independence, joy and happiness are common goals among people. Relationship problems, financial troubles, health issues and even rising gas prices can create an out of balance life. Control is an illusion that so many of us think we have but as we grip the things we want to keep they still slip through our fingers. Take a look at your past; were there things that made it difficult to be happy? We want a close relationship with our partner but without the understanding of how that looks we try too hard and smother them. You can save your pennies from one day to the next but something usually comes along to wipe it out. True love is something that comes when you are not looking but for those wanting to get married and start a family how do you not look? Instead they do everything they can to find it. Everyone wants to acheive their goals and to be happy without losing the things they desire the most. If holding on to them with a closed fist leads to their loss then we need to change...

How Much is Too Much?

It is common for parents to be a little confused when it comes to deciding how much is too much with reference to after school activities. They argue that since most of the activities are fun (as different from studies), children will simply lap up these classes. But, too much fun can wear down your child. Here is a simple guide that will help you decide how much is too much for your child. Kindergarten: Your child is just beginning to learn to interact and get used to discipline. His or her after-school life should be simple and carefree. One or two classes per week are enough at the beginning. Once the child settles down, look for more challenging activities like a music program. Grade 1: One or two activities per week, play dates and playground visits are recommended. Avoid competitive sports activities. The child is still too young to have to worry about winning and losing. After the rigors of a full day at school, he or she needs a healthy outlet for pent up energ...

Breaking Bad Habits

Have you noticed that we are creatures of habit? Whether our habits are good, bad or indifferent we all have them. Some are subtle while others are obvious and even offensive. Habits are developed over the years from the teaching our parents pass down, outside influences, observations and (of course) practice. The many habits we develop throughout our lives influence our relationships and quality of life so it is important to evaluate them from time to time and replace bad habits with good ones. Read full article: How to Break a Bad Habit

Helping Children of Divorce

Children need a great deal of support when a divorce is taking place. Surround them with resources to choose from and talk to them about additional help they may need. If they don’t have someone to talk to or they aren’t ready to open up to you then see if they are interested in seeing a professional counselor. The point is to give them an outlet to deal with what is going on in their life at this time. If you have more than one child it is likely that they will have different needs so stay in tune to the. It is important to remember that they will need this support long after the divorce has concluded. Just like with divorcing parents, their feelings don’t get turned off when the divorce is finalized. Read full article: Children Support: During and After Divorce

Difference Between Depression and Grief after Divorce

There is no doubt that you will feel depressed and grief when going through a divorce. You will feel empty and numb, as if you are in shock. You will likely have a physical reaction to the grief such as; trouble sleeping, lack of appetite, dry mouth, trembling, muscle weakness, trouble breathing, and nausea. The whole situation and subsequent ones may make you angry. You might even feel anger towards your ex, yourself or just be angry. Almost everyone in grief will also experience guilt, which is often expressed as, “I could have, I should have, and I wish I would have” statements. Read full article: The Difference Between Grief and Depression

Communicating with Your Child

One of the biggest challenges for single fathers these days (parents in general) is communicating effectively with their child. We all strive for open and honest communication but become frustrated when it appears their attention is somewhere else and they aren’t listening. Yet we seem to find it perfectly acceptable to discuss things with them while we are reading the paper, doing the laundry, picking up the house, working on the computer, watching TV and then wonder where the line of communication broke. Read the Full Article: Successful Father Child Communication