Where does the Time Go??


Found some old pictures of Madalyn, I guess they really can't be that old cause she is only 2, which brings me to my topic. Where the heck does the time go? I can remember back to these days....

and these days...

It is amazing as I watch her grow up I feel that I have been stuck in this rut, constantly trying to climb only to slip back down. It is important for me to continue to try and get out. Settling is not an option, God has too much for my life and the more I watch my little girl grow up I understand more and more God's love for me.

More often than not I sit in awe and enjoy Madalyn's company and think that this is exactly what God wants me to do with Him. Sometimes I try and hide my disappointment in myself and even God but that is silly, God knows all. I am only fooling myself. Stepping up to the plate and being real with God is where it is. Yes, Unlike God, I do have faults and I will let my little girl down but I will always give it my best to be the Godly daddy she deserves and needs. Life is about growing, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In conclusion, my little girl isn't so little any more...