Raising a Confident Child – Part 2


Appreciative Praise…

Appreciative praise helps your children understand how behavior affects others and is free of evaluation. It gives you an opportunity to mention specific behavior and the positive effects. For example, “Thank you for helping clean the living room, it made that chore easier.”

  • Expresses thanks for a specific behavior.

  • Describes the positive effect it had on your life or that of others.

  • Tells what behaviors are helpful.

  • Shares appreciation.

When using appreciative praise you should keep the following in mind. Be sincere! Children can tell when the praise is genuine. Comment on what you observed. Be specific and describe the action you observed. “You really worked at helping your little sister tie her shoes. Now we won’t have to worry about her tripping over her shoe laces.”

Evaluative Praise…

Even though your intensions are good you want to steer clear of evaluative praise. This praise is when you simply tell your children that they are terrific, super, excellent and so on. Yes, it is a positive comment however, a value is put on the child that may limit their options for living up to your praise and for applying it in other situations. While being “terrific” feels good at first, it is nearly impossible to maintain. Your child may feel pressure to constantly live up to the expectations of being terrific. In addition, this may not have been a terrific effort on their part and they could end up feeling guilty.

I know I found these tips helpful when it comes to praising Madalyn I hope they are helpful to you as well.

Raising a Confident Child Part 1


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