The 5 Love Languages of Children
I have mentioned before that Madalyn loves to watch her DVDs and she really likes it when I sit next to her. I can only watch Little Einstein or Dora just so much, however I enjoy spending time with Madalyn no matter what we are doing and she gets a lot of pleasure out of her shows. I have always wanted to read more, never been one of my strong suits, and this proved to be an awesome opportunity.
Madalyn doesn’t care what I do just as long as I am sitting next to her. I am even able to interact with the show from time to time while I take a quick break. The point is I have started reading a book called “The 5 Love Languages of Children”. This book has really opened my eyes to raising Madalyn and keeping her “love tank” full. Madalyn is still young and to determine her primary love language is hard but for now it is either physical touch or quality time together. When we sit on the couch she has to be right up against me or on me, hence the physical touch. Or to her watching Little Einstein together is quality time. Maybe it is both, but whatever the case I am able to better understand her emotional needs. Not only do I get to spend quality time with her I get to do some reading that I have longed to do. I get the best of both worlds.
“The 5 Love Languages of Children” has even helped me to discover what my love language is. Maybe someday I will be able to share that with my “best friend”. :-) Anyhow, I am better able to understand Madalyn and her moods and I have been given some good tools to use while raising Madalyn. I would recommend this book to anyone with children, even if they are teenages. I looked at Amazon and they are available at a good price. Visit
Hey Jason,
I have read that book and it is wonderful to be able to figure out ways to open the communication barrier between us and our sweet babies. I have read some of your postings and I understand your fear and concern regarding your ex. I have had that some situation in my life and its so scarey thinking that other people(ex's new "friends") are allowed to be so close to our children whom we would die for. I am going to pray for you and your sweet angel. Many Blessings!
Thanks for your prayers, I take as much as I can get. "YES" I am really enjoying this book. Even more helpful than know what to do is knowing what not to do. It is exciting when you do things right and your child starts responding in a positive manner. I know the bond between Madalyn and I will be strong and she will know that I love her!
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