
Showing posts from September, 2008

How do They Know it isn't Real?

Eating healthy is important to me... it makes up for the time I get to go eat McDonalds with Madalyn. So I have adopted a new way of eating "ice cream" which involves freezing flavored yogurt and mixing it in a blender with some juice and milk. To me it is great, just as good as ice cream but to the munchkin she knows it isn't ice cream and she wants the real thing. So how the heck does she know? I think it is funny... I can put a bowl of ice cream in front of her and she will devour it. I put my frozen yogurt ice cream in front of her and she complains. Go figure.

The New Obsession

Not the Kiwi but the photography...

Following the Rules

For once I have some wisdom to share!! Well it wasn't my idea but I thought I would pass it along anyhow. You know how when you are in the parking lot and you have 3-4 usual commands: 1. Get over Here! 2. Hold my Hand! 3. No Running! 4. Watch where you are Going! Anyhow, it feels like I was always barking orders to Madalyn when we were in the parking lot. If I grabbed her hand it seemed to make her pull away harder until I picked her up and carried her. But I found a solution. I sat her down and told her again what the rules were for when we were in the parking lot..."Do you understand Madalyn?" I asked, "Yes, daddy." She said. Okay, from here on out when I say "parking lot" you get to my side and hold my hand, you follow the rules. I really didn't think I would get the response I did but it works great. She loves it when I YELL "parking lot" she hurries to my side and holds my hand. There have even been a couple times wher...

Learning New Things

It was not too long ago I tried to show Madalyn how to use the mouse on the computer and play some games. She really only beat on the keys and did not take the time to really try and figure it out. I don't know how many times I come into the office to see her pounding on the keyboard. I went as far as setting up a computer in her room so she could get used to it. Everytime she would have it so screwed up I eventually had to take it out because I was tired of trying to figure out what she had done to it. So 2-weeks ago we head over to the library and Ms. Tammy is there, she does great reading to the kids. Unfortunately they were not having story time that night so we were leaving and Madalyn saw the computers there and wanted to use one. Well I hesitated a bit, because of past memories, but Ms. Tammy volunteered to show Madalyn around. I stood back with a grin on my face as I watched Madalyn intently paying attention to what she was being shown. For maybe a minute Ms. Tammy h...

The End of the Day

Raising a child has its challenges but they seem to be very insignificant when compared to the rewards. Yet, as much as I brag about the kid I am continuously reminded about the "teenage" years. But I will deal with that later, obviously. Today, for example; At work 2 factories encountered mechanical difficulties, our Colorado facilities ran out of rail road cars to load customer orders, and one of our contracted warehouses had a bug infestation and it wasn't found out until the customer received their product. Don't worry none made it to the consumer!!! To make matters worse Sales is SELLING and I can't get the product moved. In the midst of this gloom and uncertainty all I can think about is getting off work and going and seeing Madalyn. She is my ray of sunshine at the end of the day even when things are not going well. I hope I never lose that enthusiasm to see her at the end of each day, good or bad.