Money Saving Tips for the Holidays


Anonymous said…
How can I get your blog posts to my email? I am not really that computer savy but I would really like to keep in touch. I dont understand how it works.
Jason said…
Welcome, the easiest way to keep in touch is to click on the "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" at the bottom of the page and then click on subsribe to this feed. You can learn more about feeds on that page as well. If you have a google blog you can also add it to your favorite blogs list. Otherwise just bookmark the page and check back every now and then.
Anonymous said…
Oh my GOODNESS Jason, I can't believe you posted something from WLUK Fox 11....I KNOW those people! That is just too wierd.....I worked at a restaurant in high school that the reporters used to eat at frequently, most of their staff is still the same....brings back memories.
Jason said…
Small world... Her tips about planning meals around what meat is on sale I thought was a good one. I didn't really think about it that way. I would plan my meals and try to find the cheapest ingredients.

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