Misplaced Guilt
I have been doing some serious praying that Madalyn would be with me more while God works on my ex’s heart about her living conditions. (She is on her 3rd live in boyfriend in the past 12 months)
On Mother’s Day she did not come to pick up Madalyn and I come to find out that her car broke down. Because of this I have been able to have several more days with Madalyn and loving it. Things are just so much better, I feel like a better father, I feel less rushed, and more consistent. Overall I feel great but I continue to have this nagging feeling of guilt. Guilt that Madalyn is not able to be with her mom. I wish I could help her and fix her car but that is not my responsibility. My prayer is being answered and I feel guilty and selfish. WHY? Maybe I am selfish, actually I know I am but deep down I really want what is best for Madalyn and I know that is being with both her mom and dad. Eventually, unless God has other plans, she will get her car fixed and things will return to normal and I will be praying for the same things. What is the deal? Am I crazy?
On Mother’s Day she did not come to pick up Madalyn and I come to find out that her car broke down. Because of this I have been able to have several more days with Madalyn and loving it. Things are just so much better, I feel like a better father, I feel less rushed, and more consistent. Overall I feel great but I continue to have this nagging feeling of guilt. Guilt that Madalyn is not able to be with her mom. I wish I could help her and fix her car but that is not my responsibility. My prayer is being answered and I feel guilty and selfish. WHY? Maybe I am selfish, actually I know I am but deep down I really want what is best for Madalyn and I know that is being with both her mom and dad. Eventually, unless God has other plans, she will get her car fixed and things will return to normal and I will be praying for the same things. What is the deal? Am I crazy?
I think your feelings are normal. Just keep praying and enjoy the extra time you have. Maybe your ex will enjoy the time as well and decide to be more generous with your parenting time?
As for praying for her back, that most likely will never happen. At this point I would rather die alone than have her as my wife. God has freed me from that relationship and I hope I never have to go back. The last thing I want is to be married to a lier and cheater with a victim mentality. That may seem a bit harsh but when her divorce papers were final the marriage bond between us was cut. Biblically I am free to marry but any man that marries her is an adulterer.
As for financially bailing her out I believe that if I do that then she will never learn and God needs to work on her. God doesn't need me to give her money if He wants her car fixed.
My prayer for my wife is no different than my prayer for myself. I don't desire our child to be living in a sinful situation and whether my ex lives in guilt or not that is her choice. She is simply the mother of our daughter and that is it, no more no less.
Just because the bible doesn't talk about remarriage doen't mean that it isn't allowable. Divorce is a sin not remarriage and definately not remarriage to someone other than your ex.
Here is some scripture
"Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery" (Matthew 19:9; see also Matthew 5:31, 32).
I don't know why it would be okay for a Christian to remarry if their unbelieving partner left and not be okay for a Christian to remarry if their believing partner left. (As 1 Corinthians 7 discusses)
Here is a link on divorce and remarriage it may be worth checking out
HereAs for me being FREED - That is exactly what the divorce did, freed me. I am not obligated to my ex in any way shape or form, and I believe that to be the biblical truth.
I am sorry but I can't find anywhere that the bible says remarriage is a sin, if it is luckily it isn't the unforgivable sin.
Wish you the best.