Insect and Flower Pictures

Here are some close-up and cropped pictures of the flower garden I went to several weeks back. Nothing real spectacular. There was this black and white wasp I was chasing around. He was the coolest insect, I wish I could of got a picture but he gave me the slip.


Marja said…
Those are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Was the flower garden local? public? if so, where? I'd love to take my kids in the spring.
Jason said…
These were taken at Julia Davis Park at the Rose Garden but with a macro lens all you need is a few flowers to get some good shots. For some reason I like to take pictures of bees. I have climbed through lots of flowers, standing in the midst of them and haven't been stung, YET!
Marja said…
ok, thanks! I was curious if that's where it was. Just thought I'd check. Sorry it's taken so long to get back here to see what you said.
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