One of my recent posts talked about everything being quiet between my ex and I. It is kind of funny because I have been doing a lot of praying about being able to see Madalyn more and WHAM! not long after putting the post on my blog I get a call. Mom is not going to be able to get Madalyn for the week. The week ends and I get another call, this time mom is crying, still not going to be able to get Madalyn. Come to find out my ex is having problems with finding affordable living accommodations and paying her bills. This has been going on for several months now but I thought she had it all worked out. Anyhow, Madalyn is with me and I am feeling a little guilty. I know the kid misses her mom and I need to put the kid first. So I invited mom to come get Madalyn and go get her hair cut, go out for ice cream, and then go out to dinner, my treat. You should have seen the kids face when mom showed up at the door. She was so cute and a little shocked. She didn’t know how to respond wi...
I'm sorry the world is this way - I have many funny stories involving co-workers that I can not share on my blog (or Facebook or Twitter).