Winning Child Custody For Dads

It was several months ago when I decided to file for primary physical custody of Madalyn. Of course I had my reasons but over the years I noticed that it was mostly moms that had custody of the children while dads got visitation every other weekend. To me this was absurd. I knew I had my work cut out for me but I also knew that in my case God was with me. How you ask? Well I prayed for years on whether I should make this move and it took that long for me to clearly see whether or not I was doing this for Madalyn or revenge. Yes, revenge was one of my motives in the beginning. Not very nice I know. Of course I though I had just cause to do it but I didn't want to hurt my little girl if I was just trying to get back at her mom.

September of 09 sitting in front of a lawyer explaining what and why I wanted to do I had a peace about me. I can honestly say God was with me and my motives were purely for doing what was best for Madalyn. Even though it took nearly 6 months, and never making it to the judge, my exwife agreed to the modification.

The decisions she made over the past year really put her in a place that she did not have much of a choice. There is something to be said about God's timing. If I would of done this before the case most likely would of gone to the judge and who knows what would of happened. But by waiting on God everything worked out.

I want to thank those that prayed for me and gave me great advice. I know I have many challenges ahead of me but it will be well worth it.

If you are a dad and feel you have reason to modify your custody agreement I suggest praying everyday about it. Pray that Gods' will be done and to do whatever is best for the child. What is your motivation? Practice alot of patience, document everything (moving, late pickups, no shows, threats, etc), record conversations (legally), more prayer, and get a lawyer. Also make sure your child support is paid in full and have your act together.


Mom said…
This disturbs me terribly. How in the world could you take a young child from their mother? You bet the mom didn't have a choice, because the father's rights guys have flooded the family courts with their judges. Take it from someone who was once a little girl whose dad took me from my mother. You will end up paying dearly for doing this to her, believe me. My dad did with my siblings and myself.
Jason said…
I believe that as a parent it is always important to put the children first. What makes you think that being with mom is better than dad? I will not allow my little girl to be in an unhealthy and hurtful environment just because she is with her mom. Since when does the title "mom" make you the best parent? I find it hard to believe that any parent would allow their children to be hurt by the other. We all will pay for our ignorance someday but I know I will sleep better at night knowing my daughter is safe, not only with me but with God. As for your dad who knows why he did it but I would imagine if he got custody there were some pretty compelling reasons for it.
Mom said…
No compelling reason, he just didn't want to pay child support, so he took us.
Jason said…
Unfortunately things like that happen. It should never be about money or personal vendetta.
Kae said…
I have been coming to your blog for a while, but have been missing in action for a while. I am SO HAPPY that things are going your way. Its not that often a dad pulls up to the plate and does what he needs to do.
Jason said…
Things are starting to quiet a bit but it can be hard at times. I still want her mom to be part of her life. I just wish things could of been different.
Marja said…
I too have read your blog for a while, though I've been MIA from the blogging world for a while due to a crazy schedule. I am so glad to hear that this has worked out this way for you and for Madalyn. God does hear our prayers.

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