
Showing posts from September, 2009

Managing Employees

Post edited because of possible legal reasons... Sorry. Managing employees is hard sometimes! God bless and thanks for the advice.

Pain-Free Life

Awhile back I wrote about not catching a break. It just seemed nothing was going my way and I started to lose a bit of faith in God and myself. I began to think, “What’s the point in trying anymore?” Philippians 1:12-14 talks about Paul being in chains for preaching the gospel and that it brought him joy. The word of God was spreading to those around him and it was also encouraging the saints, giving them boldness and zeal. It dawned on me that God never promised a pain-free life. However, we can find great joy and peace with the right outlook if we are able to view situations through our spiritual eyes rather than our worldly. Maybe I feel I am not catching a break because I am viewing things through the wrong eyes. God is around me working in, on, and through me and maybe someday I can use what I have learned and experienced to help others thus bringing glory to God.

Never Enough

Simply Youth Ministries



Church was pretty good today... Is it only me or do we tend to take things for granted and sometimes forget the real meaning of something? Day after day it seems that I have forgotten about the grace of god. Sure I pray all the time and thank Him for His grace but what does that mean for me? If I was truly accepting grace then why is it I feel the the way I do about others? Shouldn't I be passing along grace to them, giving the same considerations that God has given me? I deserve hell yet God has given me eternal life in heaven - that is grace. I deserve death yet God has given me life - that is grace. I deserve to be imprisoned and yet I am free - that is grace. Shouldn't I show my ex-wife some grace? I was thinking today that she has had a tough life, granted she blames me for it all even though I only was with her a 4 years but a lot happed during that time. She basically lost both of her parents and the relationship was always taxed. Our time together was very diff...

Stranger Than Fiction

Insect and Flower Pictures

Here are some close-up and cropped pictures of the flower garden I went to several weeks back. Nothing real spectacular. There was this black and white wasp I was chasing around. He was the coolest insect, I wish I could of got a picture but he gave me the slip.

The Power of God?

Just recently I was sitting in my quiet home with thoughts running through my mind that really should not be there. I spent 20 minutes daydreaming/fantisizing of ways to get custody of Madalyn (most of which were... lets just say BAD). Matter of fact I have been spending way to much time with these kind of thoughts on my mind the past few days. Now before everyone calls me crazy let me first say, "I know I am." Here's what really bothers me right now - Where is God? What is He doing? Is Madalyn simply going to be another victim of this fallen world? Aren't any of my prayers in line with the will of God? God please give me a sign, grant me wisdom, lead me, HELP, what should I do? - These are all daily requests but all I seem to get is silence. So I start reading the bible for answers hoping to change what is on my mind and I get about 10 seconds into 2 Timothy chapter 3. It lists all the godlessness in the last days but what really struck me was verse 5 "having a ...

How Much Stress is Too Much

I have been really quiet lately hoping things would work out with custody with Madalyn. I t seems like I get a step ahead, something happens and I am either back to where I started or what feels like farther behind. A couple weeks ago I hired a lawyer to help modify our custody paperwork... That night, she dropped Madalyn off asking me to give her $500 and she would leave town and never look back. Of course this being absurd I said "no" but did give her some gas money to get to her sisters. Nearly 2 weeks later she pops back and goes and picks Madalyn up from daycare while I am at work. I am just so stressed and to be quite honest I can't tell if I am on the verge of too much stress. I am going to be completely gray by the time I am 40 and I constantly take deep breaths trying to relieve tension. I don't know how much more of this I can handle. I am going broke by paying for expenses and paying child support when I tend to have custody of Madalyn most of the t...

Alligator Poop

So this is kind of a survey. I learned something recently and I want to know if this is common knowledge among small children. Which candy is known as "Alligator Poop"? Imagine the looks you get in the store when your little child looks at you, very excited, and asks if they can have some alligator poop when they get to the car.